Phone Chat Tip #2 – Send Memorable Messages

If you’ve never live chat dated before, then you might be wondering what the best way to capture someone’s attention is. How it works: you browse fellow chatters’ greetings until you hear a message you like, and then you send them a message introducing yourself. The trick is, making that message memorable. Here are a few quick tips to do just that:

Personalized – This one is easy but very effective. People like being addressed by name… So, say “Hi Andy”, or “Hi Lidia”, instead of “Hey there” or just “Hi”. Then weave their name into your message. The more times you address a person directly, the more familiar you automatically seem. Close with “Can’t wait to hear from you Tanya” or “Hope you are as excited as I am to chat, David!” You’ll soon see how a little personalization can go a long way.

Playful – Have some fun with it! Be playful. Reference something funny or memorable that you remember from their greeting and respond in kind. Live chat dating is all about having fun, although depending on what kind of experience you are looking for, a chat can turn into something more serious. But to start, keep it light! A good sense of humor is a quality that both women and men find incredibly attractive.

Bold – Tell them straight up what you are looking for! There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain, and this way you avoid any misunderstandings down the line. Being bold and taking an honest approach right off the bat, is a sure-fire way of finding exactly what you want.

The perfect date is out there waiting, so go ahead, send them a memorable message through Livelinks today!

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